End of Fall Semester

To view the original post in Japanese, visit the AKP Japanese Language Program Blog.

End of Fall Semester


Today was the last day of fall semester. Before the ending ceremony, AKP alum and Doshisha-Amherst Fellow Omar Pineda gave a presentation.

At the ending ceremony, there was an award given to students who did well in the Nihongo Challenge.

The title of Pineda-san’s presentation was, “From Bronx to Amherst, to the world.”

His message to current AKPers: “Do what you want, and do it now!”

Next, we had a ceremony for students who did well in the Nihongo Challenge.

First, the students who won 100 stars or more received recognition: Orozco-san, Nagy-san, Feord-san, Chu-san, and Luo-san.

From the right: Chu-san, Orozco-san, Feord-san, Nagy-san, and Symchych-san, who accepted Luo-san’s award in his place.

Next, we gave recognition to our two top performers! In 2nd place with 136 stars, Chao-san. In 1st place with 167 stars, Anderson-san.

Anderson-san received a medal from Director Hubbard. “Congratulations!”


1st Place and 2nd Place Commemorative Photo!


Anderson-san: What do you think?!
Chu-san: Wonderful!
Chao-san: Great!

Fall students, have a safe trip home! Full year students, let’s do our best next year!